Marketing & Media

Don’t Miss Out on Trying THESE Email Subject Line Tips Before 2025!

Elyse Ruback, Content Director

Email marketing is a powerful tool, but with ever-changing algorithms and shifting audience expectations, it’s easy to feel like your emails are falling flat. If you’re struggling with open rates, you’re not alone. But here’s the good news: small changes can make a big impact.

The real MVP of email success? Subject lines. Those 50-60 characters hold the power to make or break your campaign. Inspired by Jay Schwedelson, founder of, who dropped some fantastic tips at the Inbound Marketing & Sales conference, we’ve compiled the best practices you’ll want to adopt before 2025.These simple tweaks can help you cut through the noise and keep your emails engaging.

Let’s see what works and what doesn’t—because nobody wants their emails to turn into digital wallpaper.

Tip #1: 2024 is over—after September 1st, drop the year.

Now that September has come and gone, it’s time to retire any mention of “2024.” Why? Because after Labor Day, anything with the current year starts to feel about as outdated as yesterday’s avocado toast. According to marketing data, mentioning 2024 after September 1st can contribute to a 22% decrease in downloads. Yikes!

Think about it: people are already looking ahead to the new year. Evergreen content, tips that will still matter months from now, and timeless ideas are what folks are after. Tying your content to the current year makes it feel like it’s got an expiration date—and nobody likes stale content.

So, instead of “Top Marketing Trends of 2024,” why not try “The Latest Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Miss”? Your content will feel fresh, even if we’re ringing in 2025.

Tip #2: Evoke FOMO to Boost Open Rates

FOMO—Fear of Missing Out—strikes again, and this time, it’s here to save your subject lines. Emails that capitalize on FOMO have been shown to increase open rates by 34%. And who doesn’t love a good boost in engagement?

Here’s the trick: make it sound like if your readers don’t open this email right now, they’ll regret it forever. Well, maybe not forever, but you get the idea. Urgency and scarcity are powerful psychological triggers, and your subject lines should lean into this.

For example, compare “Top Marketing Trends” to “Don’t Miss Out on These Marketing Trends.” The first? Meh. The second? Well, you better open it right now before you miss something critical.

A little pressure never hurt anyone (at least not in email marketing), and tapping into FOMO is a surefire way to get those fingers hovering over the “open” button.

Tip #3: Capitalize a Non-First Word to Grab Attention

This one might seem like a small tweak, but capitalizing a non-first word in your subject line can increase open rates by 18%. It’s a simple formatting trick that can make a big difference. Capitalization draws the eye to the key part of your message, giving that all-important word a visual spotlight.

Let’s test it out:

  • “Unlock the secrets to better email campaigns” versus “Unlock the SECRETS to Better Email Campaigns.”

Which one grabs your attention more? Exactly.

It’s like dressing your email up for success—a little flair goes a long way. So, before your next send, think about where you can throw in some strategic capitalization and see those open rates climb.

Tip #4: Leverage Testimonials for Credibility and Trust

People love a good story. And even more than that, people love other people telling them something is worth their time or money. Enter testimonials, the social proof that can work wonders in your email subject lines. Including a testimonial in your subject line can increase open rates by 19% because, let’s face it—if someone else likes it, we’re more likely to give it a shot, too.

Here’s an example:

  • “Resident Hannah shared, ‘The level of personal attention here is extraordinary.’”

Boom. A quote like that is gold. Why? It’s authentic, real and immediately builds trust. You’re not just telling your audience that your product or service is great—someone else is. And that makes all the difference.

So, if you’ve got a glowing review or testimonial, flaunt it! Let your current customers do the talking for you.

Bonus Tip for CTR: Make Your CTA Buttons Sentences, Not Commands

Now, here’s a little tip for boosting your click-through rates: Stop using boring, bossy CTA buttons like “Click Here” or “Download Now.” Instead, go for a full sentence that gives your reader a reason to click. A sentence-based CTA is like giving your reader a friendly nudge rather than shouting orders.

For example:

  • “Download Now” vs. “Get your free eBook and start improving your business today.”

See the difference? The second one is longer, sure, but it also tells the reader exactly what they’ll get and how it will benefit them. It feels more personal, like you’re offering something rather than demanding an action. And guess what? That subtle difference can make a big impact.

So, on your next email campaign, try switching out those boring old CTAs for something that feels more human and less like a command. Your click-through rates will thank you.

A/B Test and See What Works for You

Still not convinced? That’s fine—we get it. The best way to know what works for your audience is to test it out. Try A/B testing some of these best practices in your next email campaign and see which ones work best for you.

Remember: your emails are only as good as their ability to get opened. And with inboxes getting more crowded by the day, every little tweak counts. Don’t let your emails fall flat in 2025—give these subject line best practices a try and watch your engagement soar.

Need a little help with your email marketing strategy? Contact us at EVR Advertising—we’ve got plenty more tactics to help you keep those open rates high and your audience engaged.

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