Account Executive

Heather Gringeri

Martini & wine connoisseur, restaurant enthusiast, beach-acholic, avid crime podcast listener, summer concert junkie

Heather G

Never one to shy away from solving a problem, it is no surprise that Heather found herself in a role where she can use her analytical rationale creatively to service clients every day. Heather’s extensive experience in the hospitality and recruitment industries has fostered in her a forward-thinking mentality, a keen eye for detail and a unique ability to anticipate client needs. 

Heather has spearheaded sales and marketing operations and go-to-market strategies for businesses in high growth mode that aim to significantly grow revenue, increase brand awareness and generate leads. Having worn both sales and marketing hats in her career, she has a holistic understanding of marketing strategy and the importance of developing processes. 

A graduate of the University of New Hampshire, Heather was raised on the western side of the Granite State and has called the Queen City home for over a decade. Outside of the office, you’ll find her at her favorite place soaking up the sun or walking her adorable cavapoo on the New Hampshire seacoast. Come winter, find her planning the next itinerary for friends and family and boarding a plane or boat for the tropics. A self-proclaimed foodie, she is always scouting for the newest local restaurant or testing out a new recipe at home.